

Contact: Dr. Lauryn Benedict, 970-351-3364(电话); Lauryn.Benedict@hebhgkq.com (e-mail).

大学目录:  http://unco.smartcatalogiq.com/


This program leads to a Master's of Science degree in Biological Sciences. 我们的节目 provides students with the opportunity to develop advanced training in biology or biology education in preparation for a career in research or teaching, or to prepare 攻读博士学位.D. program. 该计划包括设计和 executing a rigorous program of biology or biology education research, culminating 在硕士论文中. This degree program is offered at the main UNC campus in Greeley, Colorado.


This degree program is designed to provide advanced post-baccalaureate training in an area of biology through the completion of course work and an intensive research project. Before beginning this program, you should identify a potential faculty research 导师(或指导者)来自于 faculty 生物科学学院名单. 此后,在攻读学位的过程中, you will work closely with your faculty mentor who will help you to customize your program of study as well as identify a research question and formulate a research 设计适合测试你的问题. 该硕士学位课程包括 the defense of a thesis as the culminating demonstration of completion of degree requirements.


This degree is appropriate for inquisitive and motivated students who possess a Bachelor's degree in the sciences and who want to strengthen or broaden their biology knowledge.  It can be used as a path to career advancement or as a stepping-stone on the way to 其他研究生或专业课程.


This degree requires completion of 30 credits of study, including both scheduled classes 以及针对个人需求和项目量身定制的一对一课程.  The UNC目录 contain the official descriptions and requirements of all courses and programs at 大学.  Master’s students will complete and defend a research thesis, which 然后作为同行评议的出版物进行传播. 


In addition to information about yourself and your academic history, applicants are asked to provide letters of recommendation, a CV or resume, and a letter of intent. The following sections offer advice on how to maximize the impact of those documents.



Letters of recommendation (also called letters of reference) are extremely important 你的申请. Choose the people that you ask to write these letters thoughtfully. Letter writers should be able to comment on your potential for successful graduate 在有经验的岗位上工作. 通常,他们将是学术教师或工作 supervisors that have knowledge of your academic or scholarly performance and other 在研究生院取得成功的相关属性.

A good letter of reference will be printed on letterhead stationery and include the 后:
  • 说明对方是如何认识你的,认识你多久了
  • 一个人的专业技能的标志
  • Comments on your intellectual strengths, motivation, creativity, time-management skills, work ethic, collegiality, and ability to handle stress and work independently
  • 评价你的写作和口头沟通能力
  • An assessment of your potential and abilities relative to others at your level of 教育及经历
Some tips on how to make it easy for your recommender to write the best possible letter:
  • Ask each potential recommender if they are willing to act as a professional reference 代表你.  如果他们拒绝了你的请求,那就离开. 
  • Be sure to let each potential recommender know the deadline for submission of the recommendation, and allow sufficient lead time for them to write and submit a strong letter.
  • Provide your recommender the list of expectations (above) for what should be included 在信中.
  • 提供一份你的 简历 or resume to each recommender to refresh their memory about your past education and 成就. This is particularly important if you haven't been in touch with them 有一段时间.
  • 向每位推荐人提供您的意向书副本. 这将有助于他们 understand why you are applying to graduate school and what you want to do with your 先进的教育.


你可以选择提供个人简历或简历. 此文件应 summarize your preparation and experience relevant to graduate study in biological sciences. A 简历 is most appropriate for applicants with career goals in academia, while a resume might be more appropriate for currently working professionals. CVs and resumes will be reviewed equivalently and with reference to the career goals 你在你的意向书中概述了. 找到具体的建议,包括什么 在简历或简历上 here




  • 你的学术经历、兴趣和准备
  • 该计划的背景资格
  • Your career goals and how this degree will help you to achieve those goals
  • The names of faculty members with whom you are interested in working
  • A statement indicating whether or not you are seeking a graduate teaching assistantship (见下文)
In addition to the required components of the letter of intent (listed above), you may choose to add more information that you believe is important for the Graduate Committee who evaluates applications to consider in reviewing your application.  For example, some applicants may feel it is useful to explain anomalies in their transcript 这与重大的生活事件同时发生.

In addition to communicating your goals and qualifications, your letter of intent 也可以作为你沟通技巧的一个例子. 仔细准备你的信, editing it for logical flow, grammar and spelling, and succinct prose.


There are several options available to you for obtaining living expenses and tuitionwhile 继续研究生教育. 这些都是:

  • 研究生助教(TA): A teaching assistantship is the most common mechanism used by UNC biology graduate 学生在攻读学位的同时赚取收入. 名助教奖学金 支付津贴和学费. See this page 了解更多信息.  教学职责各不相同,但通常是学生教学 undergraduate laboratory sections in an area related to their program of study. 
  • 研究生研究助学金(GRA): Research assistantships are available through individual faculty members (typically the research mentor) who have obtained external grant funding to pay a student to 参与他们的一个研究项目. 联系个别教员询问 如果他们有GRA资金的话.
  • 奖学金: 这些奖项通常是根据成绩颁发的. 为了符合大多数奖学金的资格, you must have completed the financial aid application with the University, even if 你不期望获得任何其他类型的经济援助.