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Academic Policies Committee

The Academic Policies Committee (APC) shall consist of a minimum of five senators appointed by the Senate chair and confirmed by the Senate. The chairs of the University’s Undergraduate Council (UGC), 研究生 Council (GC), Liberal 艺术 Council (LAC), Professional Education Council (PEC), and the Vice President for Academic Affairs of the Student Senate shall be ex-officio (voting) members. The Chief Academic Officer (CAO) or his/her designee shall be an ex-officio (non-voting) member. The 注册商 or his/her designee shall be an ex-officio (non-voting) member.
APC应 consider the future development of the University in its broadest scope as it relates to academic programs and shall review and recommend formulation of goals, which it believes the University should seek in fulfilling its education mission.
APC应 serve as a review committee for all matters which affect the academic policies of the institution, such as admission and graduation requirements, grading system, curriculum development, proposed new programs, academic standards and regulations, academic calendar, faculty evaluation, reduction in force policies, standards of professional ethics and the like.
APC应 receive and review reports and policy recommendations from the University’s UGC, GC, LAC, and PEC.  Recommendations on the approval of these reports and policy issues shall be prepared for consideration by the 教师参议院.

2023-2024 Membership

托德•艾伦 EBS参议员
男子飞碟双多向冠军和亚军,本尼迪克特 NHS参议员
Amie Cieminski 研究生 Council Chair
查尔斯沙发 注册商
托尔危机 MCB参议员
汉娜康 EBS参议员
朱迪·莱特曼 NHS参议员
米兰拉森 Undergraduate Council Chair
约翰·伦纳德 PVA参议员
奥斯卡莱文 NHS参议员/Committee Chair
Callum Michell Student Government Assoc. 代表
南希·马 Associate Provost 
海蒂穆勒 Liberal 艺术 Council Chair
和谐纽曼 高速钢参议员
卡洛帕克 NHS参议员
科琳Wieben 高速钢参议员